
The Agrarian Cooperative Allima Cacao in Peru, is an organization dedicated to the production and marketing of quality cocoa beans, with 4 production centers, one of them is Yarina, a town in the District of Chipurana (Province and Department of San Martin), with a social base of 65 partners that highlight the polyclonal farms including fine aroma cocoa, with which we seek the sustainability of the cocoa chain and crop diversification with the production of Macambo (Theobroma bicolor), has post-harvest technology for fermentation, solar dryers with mobile trays and mesh platform. 
The YARINA cocoa comes from the Bajo Huallaga area in the Chipurana District of the San Martin region of Peru. The cocoa plots are located in sectors bordering the Huallaga River, an area that was previously tormented by coca crops, terrorist subversion, the absence of the State and ecological damage. It is important to highlight the process of crop reconversion and the tranquility that the families who are dedicated to the cultivation of cocoa now live with.  

The flavors and aromas of YARINA cocoa, from the lower Huallaga, come with fruity touches with intense cocoa flavor, notes of tea and wood.

YARINA cocoa is a representative expression of TSHs for the homonymous region. Green lime with peppery spiciness and aromatic woody & tobacco hints give the unique character of this regional blend.

Quality - Taste Notes

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brown fruit, citric, tea, macadamia, cedar wood

Licor icon

green lime, peppery spiciness, aromatic woody, tobacco


Bean size


Well fermented


Semi fermented




Roasting conditions



Varietal composition: TSHs (36% lila; 36% white)

Pulp pre-conditioning: spread overnight on 6 cm perforated beds.

Fermentation method:  linear wooden crates, removal of the fermenting mass with tecle.

Pre-drying:  24h; 10 cm

Drying: 8 days on perforated tables


Producer:Cooperativa Agraria Allima Cacao

Coordinates:06° 31' 13.94" S 75° 51' 47.53" W

Availability: ~25 MT/year

Web: https://allimacacaoperu.com/home 

Email: allimacacao@gmail.com 

Phone:  +51 945 679 222 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allimacacao1

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