Warmi Cuna

Allima Cacao Agrarian Cooperative in Peru is an organization dedicated to the production and marketing of quality cocoa beans, with a social base of 350 producer families in 11 different communities in the districts of Chazuta, Chipurana, Barranquita and Pongo de Caynarachi, in the provinces of San Martin and Lamas, San Martin Region. It was founded on April 14, 2002 under the name of Asociación Central de Productores Agrarios del Valle del Bajo Huallaga, where by 2009 we changed our name to Asociación Central de Productores Agrarios ALLIMA CACAO, and we became a cooperative on February 28, 2016 with 31 member producers. 
The philosophy of the Cooperative is to seek the sustainability of the cocoa chain with a focus on circular economy (integral use of the cocoa fruit: Seeds, shell, mucilage) and the diversification of products based on cocoa (Theobroma Cacao) and Macambo (Theobroma bicolor), post-harvest technology is available for the use of cocoa mucilage, mechanical removal of cocoa beans during fermentation, solar dryers with water sensors for rain detection and robotic arms for the removal of beans during drying.

Warmi Kuna cocoa (Quechua word meaning: Women), is a type of cocoa from the Chazuta area (Province and Department of San Martin, Peru), on the banks of the Huallaga River, the cocoa plots are located between the Cordillera Escalera Regional Conservation Area and the Cordillera Azul National Park (cima.org.pe).

In the heart of Peruvian cocoa production, Warmi Cuna comes to change the picture of what was known to be the potential for CCN51. Leaving aside the automatization of post-harvest, it helped handle with extra care the widely pre-judged clone to improve mixing and uniformity and express its hidden character; with profound tropical sweetness, it unrolls to a rainbow of flavors, among which tart fruit, spicy liquorice, and ripe chestnut allowing Warmi Cuna being one of the deeply appreciated cocoas of the map, expressing better its profile in higher percentage.

Quality - Taste Notes

Chocolate icon png 3

sourdough, papaya, cooked prune, raisins, sweet

Licor icon

sweet, tart fruit, spicy liquorice, ripe chestnut


Bean size


Well fermented


Semi fermented




130; 7' / 120; 13'
Roasting conditions



Varietal composition: CCN-51 (40% lila; 30% white)

Pulp pre-conditioning: overnight extended on perforated beds 6 cm

Fermentation method:  linear wooden crates, removal of the fermenting mass with tecle.

Pre-drying:  24h; 10 cm

Drying: 8 days on perforated tables


Producer:Cooperativa Agraria Allima Cacao

Coordinates:06° 25' 13.94" S 75° 51' 47.53" W

Availability: ~300 MT/year

Contact: allimacacao@gmail.com

Phone: +51 945 679 222

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